Shabby Miss Jenn
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The List

All AlcoholsCashewTeff
Cow CheeseSwordfishWatermelon
Cottage CheeseTunaOrange
MushroomGoat MilkPeach
HoneyBrown RicePineapple
CantaloupeMSGCow's Milk
BananaOatSweet 'N Low
HoneydewWheat FlourCrisco
Rice MilkBarleyHydrogenated Fat
White RiceRyeSoft Drinks
CarrotKamutAll Sugars
Soy Milk w/SugarSorghum

Here it is... the infamous "list". These are all the things we are eliminating from our diet. Nothing all that new though, since most of these have already been eliminated.

Two weeks ago, before we left for vacation, Dustin and I both met with our new naturopathic doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Potts. We both really liked him!! YIPEE!!! For Dustin, he verified what all the other ND's and allergy test have shown. He did recommend that we eliminate a few other items from our diet as well.

Here is the highlights of that doctors appointment:
  • Yes - Dustin has diabetes
  • No - it hasn't gone away (we knew that, but I wanted to write it anyways)
  • Dustin still has signs of heavy metal toxicity in his body even after removing his two mercury amalgam filling.  He is going to start the process of chelation (removing the toxins from his body)
  • Dustin has a fungus in his body.  The goal is to get rid of the fungus, and the heavy metal toxicity.  The hope is that after those bad things are removed from his body, his body will be able to work better and more effectively and begin to heal in terms of diabetes.  This is putting it in the most simple terms possible, it is honestly a lot more complicated.  Explaining it verbally is easier, but I feel like an idiot trying to write it out.
  • Dustin needs to find more time for relaxation. This will be hard because Dustin is VERY busy.  He works crazy hours, is taking two classes towards his Masters and is working on earning his Real Estate License for personal purposes (no he won't be quitting his job).
  • The various foods effect each of these things different.  Removing some of the foods is for plain and simple Type 1 reasons.  Wheat and milk will most likely always be on "the list." Other foods are foods that Dr. P indicated as feeding the fungus. So we are trying to remove those foods while he is fighting that part.
Phew... that was a lot to write, and that was just the cliff notes version of it all.  I also saw Dr. P to talk about some of my own health issues.  Nothing too wild and crazy, just some day to day concerns.  He modified my diet a little as well, very similar to Dustins. 

We are praying that we will start to see results soon.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers! Pray that Dustin finds some time to relax as each day seems busier and busier. If I could be very specific, I would ask that God would take this strange disease away from him.  But if that isn't His plan, we just pray that God gives us peace and that He will be glorified through all of it.